May, 2024
Magical Isles ~ Sacred Seas
Glorious skies over the magnificent Cliffs of Moher – just one of our stops as we travel through Scotland, Ireland, and England.

Sacred Scotland, Ireland, and England
The Adventure Continues
Join Jane Sibbett and an intimate merry band for Jane’s Dancing Hands’ return tour through mystical Sacred Scotland, and her first journey through the misty isle of Ireland and beyond. Find out what keeps drawing her back. Is it the beautiful people? The magnetic energies of the phenomenal land? Its ancient architecture? Or something deeper? Maybe it’s her mission to help people connect more deeply to all they truly are as divine pieces of Creator or to help the earth reawaken to peace, health, healing, and wholeness. Can you feel it in your heart? Do you feel the rising light as you, too, are ready to step onto your sacred path?
4th-14th of May, 2024 with possible add-on
You’ll be enchanted by the wooly coo, but you can’t take em home
This looks a lot like Scottish Sunbathing, but it was actually a deep meditation line of a Dancing Hands Circle along the North Sea at Findhorn, Scotland. This was also moments after our first seal surfaced near us, very curious, then swam, and played for quite a while offshore as the Language of Love rolling through Jane sang out in the dance.
The fires of Beltane, celebrating the ancient Celtic celebration marking the beginning of summer.
Retreat Itinerary
Day 0 - Arrival
Many like to arrive early, the day before we begin, to rest after the long flight. If you are one, and you have the energy, you are welcome to join me in a Dancing Hands Circle in Edinburgh for all desirous to attend in Scotland. This is a bank holiday weekend and not just celebrating May the Fourth be with you. This is for both those not on the adventure with us and/or any arriving early. If you arrive in time, you are also invited to a simple, evening supper, too. Those who are interested in this option should aim to arrive on the 4th of May.
Info about Rosslyn Chapel
We have the opportunity to attend services and take a tour of the Rosslyn Chapel. “Dedicated in 1450 as the Collegiate Chapel of St. Matthew, Sir William St. Clair founded the chapel for his family… Collegiate chapels like this were intended to pray for the soul of the founder and to spread intellectual and spiritual knowledge.”
It remains the place of worship for the St. Clair Family and while it is closed to the visiting public during Sunday services, we can join to enjoy the remarkable energies while meditating with the people of the area. Many of you know that both Jesus and Mary often appear to me during Dancing Hands sessions when the session or circle merits it, so while I don’t preach on these tours, (I am for all beliefs), this is my beloved lineage.
The Rosslyn Chapel is filled with historically and artistically spectacular religious art, as well as many mysterious carvings (which took over 40 years to complete) and codes including the 13 fascinating cymatics.
Many carvings harken to Gaia and the pagan roots of Scotland. Other carvings may invite reflection on our current connection with the worlds above, below, and within. There are over 100 carvings of the Green Man alone. Some believe that the Holy Grail is hidden here, also the ark of the covenant and bits of the true cross upon which Jesus the Christ was crucified, too, as many believe the Knights of the Templar had fled to Scotland with great treasure of gold, silver, jewels, great secrets, and significant religious relics. It may help explain the carvings of maize and aloe – botany not discovered in the New World for 400 years after the completion of the chapel? Perhaps? The village of Roslin, where the chapel sits, is considered to be a “thin place,” where the line between the worlds is gentled. Lynda shared that the peace within the lower space is astonishing, so we shall hopefully experience this together. And yes, it was the setting of the Da Vinci Code movie (2003) and I’ll share more about that when we are together.
On the architrave joining the Apprentice Pillar there is an inscription:
“Forte est vinum fortiori est rex fortiores sunt mulieres super omnia vincit veritas:
Wine is strong, a king is stronger, women are stronger still, but truth conquers all.”
(1 Esdras, chapters 3 & 4)
Important Note from Jane:
On the Dancing Hands tours, when traveling outside of mainland USA, I am led to honor the land through which we travel and the longstanding spiritual traditions of the local people as we did in Hawai’i with our Kahu, in Tonga with the priest, and in Peru with the qero. I start by praying and asking permission to join together with local folk in prayer for peace (dancing or otherwise), and give thanks as I am invited by a spiritual elder. I welcome you to join me here. This is one day on our trip I may suggest nicer attire.
- 8:00 AM Breakfast to begin our day.
- 9:45 AM Meet Lynda Low, our beloved Scottish guide on this adventure, in the lobby.
- 9:30 AM. Be in the van ready to go – church service in 15th century Rosslyn Chapel.
- 10:30 AM Church Service
- 11:30 AM Walkabout and stretch to Rosslyn Castle ruins and gardens
- 12:00 PM lite picnic (weather permitting)
- 12:30 PM Private tour of Rosslyn Chapel
- 1:30 PM return to the van and off to lunch break together
- 3:35 PM leave for Real Mary’s Close
- 4:00 PM arrive at Real Mary’s Close
- 4:14 PM Real Mary’s Close Tour – Here we also journey back in time through the stories and underground Edinburgh along the famous Royal Mile, Edinburgh’s only preserved 17th century street following the footsteps of former residents.
- 5:30 PM free explore or power nap
- 6:30 PM meet for lite dinner
- 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM JDH Welcome Quanta Circle -our first Jane’s Dancing Hands Circle
**This is a normal pace for this JDH tour. I leave this here all to see how we roll – some days more, some, less depending on where we are, the weather, the group, and Source’s direction, but I will only share the lodging & timetables for each day, as well as the deeper research with those signed up for our Sacred Scotland group from here on out.
The continuation of our itinerary is woven between Jane and Lynda. See if you can tell who is writing what and know more will be revealed as we get closer to our journey:
Day 1
Leaving the Auld Reekie (Edinburgh) behind for now we are off for mid-morning munchies at Pillars of Hercules, our favorite organic farm shop and cafe. Need natural products or especially healthy groceries for the week? Pack a reusable shopping bag – this place is country nirvana. Next, a drive through the Cairngorms and a quick stop in Glen Coe as we make our way to the northwest coast of Scotland. We’ll pop into Eilean Donan Castle, perched on the point where three sea lochs meet, and delve into its history before crossing the bridge to the Isle of Skye, where we will stay for the next three nights.
JDH Circle(s) TBD
Day 2
A day to truly awaken all your senses and connect with the sacred islands of Scotland. Listen for the whispering of the elementals, smell, and feel the purity of nature and DANCE, DANCE, DANCE with the Old Man of Storr, Kilt Rock and its thunderous waterfall, the Trotternish region, and the Fairy Glen of Uig.
In the Trotternish region, we will see Flora Macdonald’s grave. She was famous for her part in the escape of Bonnie Prince Charlie over the sea to Skye following his defeat at the Battle of Culloden. Her role in helping the Bonnie Prince is remembered in The Skye Boat Song.
“Speed, bonnie boat, like a bird on the wing.
Onward, the sailors cry!
Carry the lad that’s born to be King
Over the sea to Skye.
Though the waves leap, soft shall ye sleep,
Ocean’s a royal bed.
Rocked in the deep, Flora will keep
Watch by your weary head.” (The Skye Boat Song)
Folklore is dependent on stories, customs, and songs being passed on through families and friends, eternally. Stories of water spirits, fairies, ghosts, prophecies, and healing stones are still whispered here alongside tales of many legendary characters.
Throughout our tour in Scotland, but here, too, we are all invited to chat up the locals, listen to the words of the folksingers, search maps for fairy hills and knolls, visit the region’s ancient rocky landscape, old gravestones, and castles and seek out sites, and keep open for spontaneous adventure. We are fluid as we go.
JDH Circle as suggested TBD.
You will sleep well tonight as you’re always guaranteed a gid nichts sleep after a day in the hills.
Day 3
On our second day exploring the Isle of Skye, we will visit Dunvegan Castle, Giant Macaskill Museum, and the picturesque lighthouse at Neist Point before circling back to Portree.
Day 4
On our final day on the Isle of Skye, we will visit the Fairy Pools and their mesmerising whorls and eddies before we travel back to the Auld Reekie (Edinburgh). We will have a final dinner with the lovely Lynda and rest for our flight to Ireland the following morning.
Day 5
After a quick coffee & tea, we will head to the airport for breakfast and a short flight to Dublin, Ireland. Arriving at midday will leave us plenty of time to check into our accommodation and visit Brú na Bóinne and the Hill of Tara.
Day 6
For our first full day in Ireland, participants will have the option to join a morning yoga practice to help stretch out any travel-weary limbs. We will spend the day visiting the Loughcrew Cairns and a nearby Dolmen, or a portal tomb, from Neolithic times. In the evening, we will adorn ourselves in goddess garb and mystical finery for a traditional Beltaine Fire Ceremony atop the hill at Uisneach. This ceremony is a celebration of light and life, marking the first days of the summer.
Day 7
We’ll make an early start to travel west to Galway and the Cliffs of Moher. We have arranged for a tour of the Cliffs from above and below. This will allow us to explore the Visitors’ Center and learn about the history, significance, and composition of the Cliffs, before boarding a boat to see them from the best vantage point – the Atlantic Ocean. We will also have the opportunity to explore Inis Oírr, the smallest of the Aran Islands and home to an old shipwreck, a stunning lighthouse, and ponies and carts that may be rented for a trot along the beach and the unpaved roads. This may be where we choose to have a dance, to celebrate both Mother’s Day and the ninth anniversary of JANE’s Dancing Hands. Once we’ve returned to the mainland, we’ll stop in Galway for dinner and spend the night in a darling B&B.
Day 8
From breakfast in the B&B, we will travel south, heading towards Kerry and Cork. If we find that we have time, we may choose to visit the Dingle Peninsula or take a little drive around the Ring of Kerry. Our aim for the day, however, is to see the Drombeg Stone Circle – an ancient circle of standing stones where we may dance and connect with the powerful ley lines running beneath our feet.
As this will be the final official evening of the tour, we will dine together and toast to our shared magical experience across these mystical isles.
Day 9
In the morning, we will travel together to the airport in Cork, where some may choose to return home and others may decide to pop over to London with me for a Reintegration Day. It can be difficult to dive straight back into the busy world after a retreat such as this one, and this optional extra day provides people with the opportunity to ease themselves in. More details on this day will be decided based on interest and numbers.
Further details will be shared and updated soon. We are so happy to include you in the unfolding fun.

Sacred Land…
From first dance, the energies in Scotland were so strong for Jane’s Dancing Hands, the Pura Vida of the land, took Jane’s hands joyfully and with Source energy as always leading, it literally danced them into the sand on the shores of the North Sea creating beautiful patterns over and over again, much like a mini crop circle or complicated petroglyphs. From Dancing Hands to the Language of Love that comes from the G*d that created the universe, and now to the Dancing Sand Glyphs this adventure of trust in the best and highest good continues.
Even if you’re not a Stewart or have any Scottish blood in your veins, join Jane on the adventure of her lineage as the Divine calls her back to join with her Scottish roots and give thanks and offer prayers for peace in the light of Easter’s resurrection and rebirth. Beginning in Edinburgh, together we shall see exquisite codes crack open before us as we explore the beautiful Rosslyn Chapel. Via van, ferry, and on dancing feet, we will explore lochs, ley lines and love for the powerful beauty of the mists rising from the Highlands and from Ireland and England, too, for goodness sakes with every breath. We will dance among the Standing Stones in Ireland and many other heart-won castles as we go. The wide, wind-swept beaches beckon, inspiring us all to courageously appreciate, connect, wonder, and fire up more graciously to listen more carefully to the alignment of heaven on earth right here in our own divinely blessed vessel.
What more will come in these magical lands of the miraculous?
They say to truly enter into the spirit of this enchanting region of Scotland , it is paramount to visit this area. Even centuries of poetic descriptions by great writers could never substitute the pleasure of experiencing this magical place. Your senses are guaranteed to be refreshed and awakened by the surrounding lochs and mountains in these lands that are steeped in history and folklore.
Will ye go, lassie, go,
To the braes o’ Balquhidder?
Where the blaeberries grow,
‘Mang the bonnie bloomin’ heather;
Where the deer and the roe
Lightly bounding together,
Sport the lang simmer day
‘Mang the braes o’ Balquhidder.
“The Braes of Balquhidder” by Robert Tannahill, poet and songwriter (1774-1810)
…more clues to this sacred path will be found here!
Wouldn’t you know it?
THIS cross – this symbol that Jane’s dancing hands drew in the sand hangs above the doorway of the Rosslyn Chapel. There is much more about Jane’s connection as a Stewart to Scotland, to this chapel, and to the story of The Bloodlines of the Holy Grail, but that will be discussed on this tour or not (!) as we go on this adventure to find all our connections to purest Source energy and the clues and keys of our most sacred path for the best and highest good of one and all.
Eilean Donan Castle, Kyle of Lochalsh

All accommodations are double occupancy unless we don’t fill all rooms. You may come with a designated partner or rotate through the group as we did last time with joyful success. Everyone seemed to love getting to know each participant and having one night where they were in a room of their own, too. Jane will be rooming alone because honestly, it’s a LOT of energy having Jane in your room! We typically have predominantly women on these retreats, but men are absolutely invited! Should there be a mixed cohort, we can discuss the best way to ensure everyone’s comfort.

what to pack
From Lynda: “Packing List to come, but to remember to begin looking now for it: Nae daft shoes, (wellies, or rubber boots for hiking in the muddy areas). In Spring the weather can be very unpredictable. Waterproof jakeits will be needed and it will be cald a nicht if it’s no during the day. Layers are a must for clothing. And please, please, please take only memories, and photos from this land it’s so precious to us. After all, Mother Nature put it here for a reason, and let me tell you it wisnae for ithers to tak awa tae another country. Aye, some dafties do let me tell you.”

best faith agreement
Thank you for understanding this is a spiritual journey and we appreciate all agreeing to not imbibe in alcohol, recreational drugs, smokes, or vaping for the duration. We may have a final night toast, but Source is requesting clarity for the work we are doing this time in mind, body, and spirit not just in circles, but the whole trip. Please, however, let me know if you are on any doctor-prescribed medication or CBD oils, and if there is anything I need to know how it may or may not impact you as you travel.

A 50% deposit must be made to hold your spot. 100% must be paid by March 29, 2024. Due to extremely limited space, 50% of the deposit is non-refundable after March 2024.
Travel insurance is always strongly suggested for any international flights and international travel and stays for your duration. Please consult with your insurance agent about what is best for you.
All must sign and send me the liability waiver before you purchase a ticket to join this journey.

The above itinerary is made with the hope and expectation for all we’ve laid out. Weather, our group, and each individual we watch lovingly and carefully. We will be in constant flow about what works best for you and the whole group and may change to gentler options at any given moment we think it’s best for one and all.

food love
If you are on a special diet, as many of us are these days, be nice to yourself and pack healthy and nutritious snacks you know you can eat to help bridge meals. No, you don’t need to bring enough for all. Be good to yourself. I know I’ll be packing extra tea this time and not mooching from my friend, Anita, for Throat Coat!

Check-in with your phone carrier to see how/if your phone will work/get wifi/ or communicate in the UK. I have Verizon and last time with AT&T it was surprisingly inexpensive ($10?) to add a temporary international plan to my phone and bonus – it can be turned on and off and on again at pre-selected dates. I spent an hour trying to do this from a Starbucks in Scotland because I didn’t realize it needed to happen, and the international plan automatically rolled over for my trip to Mexico, so a little pre-planning is handy!
Add WhatsApp to your phone, if you don’t already have it. This free app allows us to call, text, and share photos with one another for free and with those back at home as we go. Marcie will set up our WhatsApp group and we’ll add you as soon as you join the journey so we can start sharing info right away. Great if you aren’t on social media, too, because it’s lovely to share the pics of the day.

money & Currency
Tell your credit card companies and your bank about your trip and where you are going if you intend to use credit and debit cards while traveling to ensure they won’t shut them down due to suspicious activity. This also has happened to me in two countries now and it is a huge waste of time and stress, so pre-planning is your friend.
Speaking of the bank – I love Wise a pre-loadable card for foreign currencies around the world with the lowest exchange fees of anything you’ll see in any bank. While you are welcome to pre-order Scottish Pounds or Euros for tips and gifts and spending as you please, most of the UK and Ireland is contactless – no coins or bills. If you are coming from England, Scotland does accept English notes, but they prefer Scottish money. As the Republic of Ireland is still a part of the EU, they use the Euro, and cannot accept anything else. This is another benefit of a Wise or a Monzo card – it allows you to pay in any currency whilst charging you the lowest exchange rate.

extra fun & Activities
We’ll spend a fair amount of time on the road and rotate in the van to keep it fair. Any wisdom for the day for our fellow travelers – quotes, divination card fun, dream work, historical insights, even Gaelic musical playlists are welcome and enjoyed, but never mandatory. Think of this as a great, mobile, slumber party trip. What would you like to hear, share, know, enjoy? You may wish to get postcard stamps early if you wish to write cards to yourself or loved ones at home, a blow-up pillow for car naps, but even when packing light there are myriad ways we can travel with great joy.
Jane's Dancing Hands
What are Jane’s Dancing Hands?
In the last 14 years Jane has traveled the world producing live events and documentaries, particularly about spiritually activated groups and individuals. After a special activation in May 2015 from another gifted conduit of Source energy, Jane suddenly found her hands “dancing”. The opening was so swift and supported in every way - live and over the Internet - that she quickly has become a beloved conduit to thousands globally who often find instant peace, alignment, joy, unconditional love, and powerful self-healing within the perfecting and beautiful, ever-flowing tide of pure Source energy.
Because what comes through when Jane’s hands automatically begin dancing defies simple explanation, friends coined “Jane’s Dancing Hands”. How they connect with each person is as different every time as it is with every circle, ever rotation, every session, yet always bringing peace to all.
“The resonance I feel with the land in Scotland now has me yearning to spend extended time there…
I was moved to tears so many times during our week (how could that have been just a week???) I experienced so much joy, gratitude, peace, awe, connection, resonance, fascination, curiosity, delight, and deep deep love for the people, the places, the beauty everywhere…
Experiencing the immersion in the Dancing Hands energy was a beautiful enhancement to my experience. The lense of the energy brought things into focus in a big heartful way. There was such an honoring every new place we walked, and the expansive state our collective energy in the grand adventure was palpable as we played and danced in and around the magnificent waypoints on our journey.”
~A. Hyatt WA, US
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