Harvesting Autumn Equinox

Septiembre 19, 2024

Happy Lunar Eclipse, Supermoon & Autumnal Equinox Week, my fellow Sacred Shifting Souls,

Did you have a beautiful lunar eclipse last night? Are you feeling the shift? Are you feeling the potential for infusing the sacred into all expression and relations right now? Were you able to savor the bite of the supermoon cookie, release the nibbling contrast to what no longer needs to stay in your life, and then allow more of the light and love you came here to be?

Even if you didn’t last night, these encouragements continue. They rise again now and will spring up again throughout this week like the sweet toadstools above, so before you rest tonight, perhaps you’ll feel the nudge to sift and note what you’d like to release. What do you find when you heartfully sift and harvest what is meaningful, helpful, and supportive for you and yours in the coming season? What are you most grateful for as you take stock of this past summer and her myriad lessons? We’ll be working with this energy all week through until our Autumn Equinox Quanta Circle this weekend, so please tap in.

The night before last, I was out walking along the fields with my daughter Ruby and her dog Sky. It was luscious, dusky, nearly autumnal air, and we stopped to sigh at the stunning orange sunset as a busy tractor slowly worked the soil after the earlier week’s harvest. Feeling all the shifting energy coming, we conspired about what we’d do to mark this new phase. Ruby has shared so many circles with me that her spirit always bows to honor the seasonal shifts like her mother. She was just a three-week-old baby in my arms when I first facilitated a big Summer Solstice Goddess Circle at our medicine wheel in the Hollywood Hills. I didn’t even know what a circle was or what it could be back then. But it was instant knowing that circle work was in my heart, in my cells, and in the cells of all the wise women who gathered in costumes of great whimsy and delight. It’s amazing how, 32 years later, I am still giddy with joy at how magnificent it is to gather together in each circle and share in the energies that flow through us all.

When I write notes to you here and invite you to sit at the bonfire, these are living bonfires through time so bright that Ruby and Violet still have the scent of sage and woodsmoke woven in their hair with memories of dozing off atop sheepskins and under blankets and starlight. The fire’s sparks danced to the heavens as we sang, read poetry, and shared the communal wisdom deep into the night. 

Yesterday, however, was a fascinating and strange contrast to the prior night’s intentions. While I knew something was up, when the skies began to lightly cloud, I didn’t realize how impactful it would be when I went into my own interesting healing situation yesterday and into last night with a surprisingly intense oral surgery yesterday. Due to being so busy with my mother’s hospice, her passing, and then memorial, I wasn’t able to get a seemingly little situation handled, and so it went warp speed for my attention. I am still a bit woozy from the anesthetic, but I have some vague recollection that teeth have something to do with unprocessed ancestral grief. For someone who has only had two cavities in my entire life, you can imagine my body needed some extra TLC for this to happen out of the blue. Talk about taking one’s own medicine!

Not to worry, though; I am healing well. Tender, but healing, thank you. And yes, our Expanded Quanta Circle this Viernes evening, early Sábado, and Domingo IS still on. Read below how the format will be slightly different and more meditative this week, much as I shared may happen with our past Quanta Circle in Agosto. 

This past weekend, however, we danced in community with the Sacred Shift Circle. Source is always ready to share, but there was a great eagerness coursing through me this past weekend to begin. And this format, too, was quite different. My hands were dancing before I even opened the Zoom room. I barely said hello, and immediately shared we needed to start right away, as a great many were gathering to support the circle.

I can see some nodding even now, as a few were slipping into the room a few minutes late because not everyone received their links. Some retrograde glitch was crackling static to remind me we need Plan B and Plan C so all can attend easily. Source sorts, but I must do my level best to help before the hands lift. These and apologies were things drifting out of my brain as Source lifted the “me” up and out and lifted my hands to play the music for a new opening. Instantly, we swam together to breathe into the center of our hearts’ connection. That night, Source didn’t just want to share one round of dances but two rounds of music—one known and one spun from random choosing on the fly, and in all that, there was more information than a single circle could hold. This, too, is still being sifted and harvested, and the ground is being tilled as we also reach new fields of gratitude this weekend. 

In reflection, I understood this format was somewhat similar to the Conversation with Source Series in the last year of the lockdown. The Source Course, as we called it, was relayed as a master class format. Each participant was expected to be early, ready, Zoom savvy, and to prepare on their own for the stillness and focused allowing of each session with soul-centering breath even before I pressed record. There was no crosstalk nor introduction or instructions in English. And there was homework as the circle finished—homework, that even now, as the participants go back and re-read the books that each created they can see their own connection with Source speaking personally to each—volumes illuminating and reactivating their sacred connection and expansion in their gifts with Source Energy.

Back then, for the Conversations with Source, we were all seated. We began with Source sharing in the purity of sound and the Language of Love and I stayed seated on the tuffet as the hands spun their flowing encyclopedias of spinning mudras.  But this time, this last week, though standing, I was one with the facilitators for the ceremonial intentional presence as soon as we began. Last month, in our Agosto Quanta Circle, I mentioned to our group that Source wanted me to begin a new daily practice the very next day. Though I wasn’t able to release myself from home obligations to invite others to join me quite yet, this past week’s circle was letting me know, we are beginning. Now.

There was no adjusting of the God-goggles before diving in. We simply and instantaneously were in deeper waters, floating without effort as we observed the shifting sands far beyond the crashing waves. Breath was no longer necessary. There was no want, no intention, no ask. We simply were in the oneness of All-That-Is.

Interesting as I write I see now how similar the ripples in the sand from this past weekend’s dance are to the tilled fields that once held the sunflowers. What shells of old life are half-buried here to retrieve, admire, or let be? What husks or seeds of abundance can we save or savor back into the air of our autumnal celebrations of plenty? How will we be in the tides of change deep below the surface living in the ocean of so much love? Change is here. We are feeling it quite profoundly. Will you lead? Will you follow? How will you dance with All-That-Is Love?

Oh, I wish I could share with you more of what Source said, but this letter is already long, so rest well, and I hope you’ll join us later this week for one evening and two morning/early afternoons of sacred circle time and giving nourishment to your own spiritual path and many gifts. Remember, while we love participants to come to all three of the Quanta Circles, the commitment is at least two of the three to give respect to the energies of the collective intention for the best and highest good of one and all. These three will be seated meditations with softer, gentler, or perhaps no music (I am hearing as I write.)

If you’d like to hear more, see below for a portion of a new testimonial and another old but really lovely addition about how we can see more clearly the breadth of the gifts we all share here.

Read just a few words from last weekend:

“It’s just wonderful to be able to dance again. I haven’t been able to dance, haven’t had the mobility or anything, but now I can feel the rhythm and move with confidence, and that’s really something. I felt like we were being nourished, this group, as goddesses…And to myself, it was ‘accept, accept it.’ I was getting similar messages—when you were saying things, I was getting it as well. “If you wish to leave your mark, you can choose to play.” And “You are love.” That just seemed to underline what I was seeing. At the end, I just felt so relaxed—I feel so relaxed. So much healing came through on a cellular level and also in my heart, in heart energy. That’s what I felt and I feel like. I’m going to start a new year tomorrow. It felt good for me, but I also felt like we were all getting so much. So, thank you.” ~dg

The following was on FB. I haven’t thought about this testimony in a long time, but it warms my heart to reread it with you now and feel it in my heart. I hope when you read it, you also remember that we all have gifts inside, and it’s just a matter of how much we allow God/Source Energy/Goddess/Creator—fill in the blank for your belief—to work through you/us/the field in which we dance, and in my case for the best and highest individual and collective good. I understand this feels very strange for many. But when it flows, and I hear/see/feel the impact, there is only love and gratitude that I can witness what also can be. For more information, please visit our site, janesibbett.com.

“Jane Sibbett worked miracles with my mother, who suffered a major traumatic brain injury in a terrible pedestrian accident just about two years ago. She had a visit with her about a year ago and at that time, my mother had made incredible strides but was still having trouble really functioning well and often had difficulty getting the words out and her thoughts out in a coherent manner. She also did not seem fully present and was probably operating at about a 50% capacity. After Jane worked on her, she improved significantly, probably back to about 85%-90% of where she had been. More recently, Jane worked on her again long distance and this time afterwards, her speech returned to normal and only occasionally now does she need to search for a word. People meeting her now might not even realize that there had ever been an issue. Considering the majority of people who suffered the type of injury that my mother did, do not even survive, her progress has been remarkable but the truly miraculous strides came directly from Jane’s dancing hands, which created miracles.” ~crm

Would you like to hold out your hand to mine so we simply dance with your heart now, too?

Bendiciones, amor y cielos azules,

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