Below are a collection of videos featuring Jane as a storyteller, sharing her sacred gifts and dance, and in service of missions and causes close to her heart.
Jane Sibbett on Good Day Sacramento Part 1
Jane Sibbett on Good Day Sacramento part 2
Jane Sibbett on Manopause Podcast
Jane Sibbett on The Today Show talking about Friends
Jane Sibbett on The Today Show w/ Jessica Hecht, Elliot Gould for Friends
Jane Sibbett & Kai Gaines – Mom and Son Chat
Por favor, considera cómo podrías malama the aina o cuidar de la tierra la próxima vez que bailes sobre ella. Podría ser recogiendo basura mientras viajas, agradeciendo al agua cuando rellenas botellas reutilizables, echando una mano a los cuidadores de la tierra, el agua y el cielo, reciclando, donando tiempo a nuestros preciados recursos, plantando árboles o semillas de flores silvestres, utilizando productos holísticos y no tóxicos en tu casa o jardín.
Apoyar a los agricultores ecológicos y locales, compartir el coche e incluso algo tan poderoso como bendecir los alimentos y líquidos que ingieres en cada comida.
Todos tenemos que cuidarnos mucho más los unos a los otros y, al mismo tiempo, tenemos que cuidar bien de nuestra casa.
Empieza aquí.
Malama the aina.
Jane dancing on the banks of the English Sea
Oí "malama". "Malama es la palabra hawaiana que significa cuidar, servir y honrar, proteger y vigilar. Así, Malama se concibe como un valor benévolo de administración con compasión". (De Gestionar con Aloha (Capítulo 15, preámbulo)
¿Cómo te afecta este concepto de malama mientras observas o bailas aquí con la Fuente pura en las cenizas de la tierra o de la vida en evolución? Mientras observas esto, ¿sientes que la compasión también se enciende dentro de ti?
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Entradas recientes
Rain Shadows & Finding Pots of Gold
Beauty, None of the following was a dream. Sky and Ruby were still sleeping. My mama heart cooed with the early Mourning Doves. Pulling on my On tennies, I smiled, knowing there was a surprise outside, and there she was: A rainbow arching to greet me as soon I slipped...
Hugging It Out
Beautiful Friends, First, a deep hug from me to you. I don’t presume to know where or how you are right now, but I feel the great need for longer, truer embraces. Ready? Let’s hug it out. There is a lot going on in the world and my greatest compassion to all wherever...
The Gentle Path
Dear Friends, I couldn’t start fresh. The jumble jar of details was essential, it seems. If I can’t be clear about this time, and I can’t even find words to speak outside my family right now, let the context stand: when I again say life has been life-ing, it means in...
A Gift and a New Year’s Blessing
Blessed New Year, my Sparkling Friends, Welcome to life on Earth, 2025. How does this day/evening find you? There is much wisdom in my ancient heart that feels that spring is more new year-like as was the case for my Celtic ancestors, but nevertheless, on this lovely,...
An Embrace of Light
Dear Sparkling Friends, I understand that for some, it is late to be wishing a Merry Christmas or a Happy Hanukkah, but this year, I’m trying to be gentle with my heart. I’m also encouraging you to go easier on yourself, too, and simplify. We decided to incorporate...
My Ancient Library, UFOs & All the Wild Peace(s)
Dear Sparkling Friends, How are you? I am writing from too brief a visit to my beloved City of Angels, so this note comes with extra shiny, gold-tinged greetings flying with many circles of love. After a beautiful journey south to see dearest old and new friends, my...