The Source Course Series
Health & Peace Circles

“It’s time for something new.”
A Living Library to Joyfully Activate the Nurturing Energy of Source each time we open the Book of You!
I listened carefully as Source asked me to open up to share new ways for anyone who wished to connect even more profoundly with purest Source energy and the Pura Vida of Source…
Jane: “More profoundly than a JDH Quanta Circle?” I asked.
Source: Yes.
J: I thought we were taking this time to write the book.
S: Yes, and this will help write the book, but more, we are going much deeper to simultaneously assist those who are also ready to receive the newer energies of mastery in community for the “Coming Times.”
Source then showed me some – shall we say – interesting happenings on various planes.
J: It seems pretty serious.
S: It is.
J: Is this more important than getting the book turned in and my vegetable gardens done?
S: Both are important, but yes, it must be done concurrently. Gardens are lessons in cultivating and nurturing self-reliance, sustainability and deeper connection with Source’s Pura Vida.
I asked about timing and parameters because this was the all-business voice of Source. I was told this new segment of information was for a group who was timely, conscientious, who already understood how to Zoom, could still themselves to meditative receiving, and very dearly wished to learn or refine how one can come in service to a deeper connection to All-That-Is.
We invite you to The Health & Peace Circles
What’s it like to collaborate with Source Energy through JANE’s* dance of co-creating the best version of you?
- Calms the nervous system and realigns the chakra systems
- Sharpens the inner vision while improving the quality of what the eyes receive from the outer world
- Allows access to the bliss points to facilitate self-healing
- Enhances learning and increases the retention of information
- Strengthens the immune system
- Fortifies the heart, spirit, and emotional wellbeing
Why a Circle?
What do participants say about the Health & Peace Circles?
– Zanni
“I’m getting such deep healing that I didn’t even know I needed. Feeling soft and tender, vulnerable in my heart. The stillness and the isolation are giving me the sacred space I’ve needed to hear my own yearnings.”
– Dr. Mary Ann
“I was mesmerized by the dance tonight. Have [had] a hard time for few days now to find any zest for life, hard to put one foot in front of other. Being wrapped in all the love brought many tears and peacefulness.”
– Jarka
“That was a divinely peaceful space in time.”
– Vicki
“It is so good to have it be reinforced that our gifts are real and true and not weird or strange in a negative way. They are about being true to ourselves.”
– Gail
“This has been giving me so much life! It’s really saving me. So grateful!”
– Trish
“I felt Source touch my heart through [Jane’s] voice.”
– Derenda
“It was soft and peaceful. It brought me strongly in line with my divine essence.”
– Vasiliki
“I haven’t moved so freely in my body in a long time!”
– Suzanna
“It was very powerful energy flowing; my body is tingling and all my cells are vibrating.”
– Kathy
*Joyfully Activating Nurturing Energy of Source

“This has been giving me so much life! It’s really saving me. So grateful!”
– Trish
Highlights from the Source Course Series
The Health & Peace Circles with Source up-levels:
- Powerful and purifying Source Energy in each session, meeting you wherever you are in your spiritual journey.
- Encouragement and trust to develop both the long-standing and awakening gifts within you.
- A nurturing connection with Source Energy, accessible at any time.
- Energetic activations and guided meditations with Jane’s Dancing Hands and channeled vocalizations from Source.
- A combination of learning styles to facilitate deep understanding on myriad levels.

A sneak peek at the 9 volumes this course offers
Nine Weeks of Profound Connection With Source Energy and Developing Mastery
Volume One
- Train in Spiritual Athleticism and use it to strengthen your natural abilities.
- Cultivate a personal connection with Source Energy and learn to access it outside of the structure
of the course. - Learn to fortify and care for your mind, body, spirit, and emotions throughout challenging and
mutable circumstances.
Volume Two
- Discover the perfection of your soul and the ever-present, infinite support of Source Energy.
- Recognize the connection that always exists between you, the other people on this Earth, and Source Energy when you are standing in a place of love.
- Develop tools for perception and manifestation.
Volume Three
- Embrace the joy and play of your inner child and create dedicated time indulging in the freedom of youth.
- Set a foundation for past and future spiritual work to build upon.
- Find stillness within yourself, and learn to access this peace in any environment.
Volume Four
- Use a guided meditation to tune into the frequency of love, light, and Source Energy.
- Explore your soul’s true purpose and begin to answer the question, “What did I come here to do?”
- Learn to expand your intention-setting and accept all the good that the universe wishes to bestow upon you.
- Discover what it means to boldly embody your unique and authentic self.
Volume Five
- Locate the places within your body that hold energy, and learn to clear or replenish these stores.
- Connect deeply with the Earth, and in doing so, strengthen your connection with Source Energy.
- Attune your ear to the whispers of your intuition.
Volume Six
- Prepare yourself to dive more deeply into your spiritual practice.
- Center yourself within a quantum field of compassion and love, and lead your life from this heart space.
- Begin to release the human concept of scarcity and loss; understand that Source Love and Light is infinite and eternal.
Volume Seven
- Recognize the transformation that you have experienced throughout your life and learn how you can be a catalyst of your own change.
- Hone your focus and ability to receive the words of Source in a place of pure peace.
- Graduate from the foundational work into Mastery; now the fun begins!
Volume Eight
- Enjoy the interchangeability of humanness and divinity; recognize the merits of each.
- Further develop your Spiritual Athleticism and refine your focus through your heart.
- Accept the reminder of how deeply loved you are and learn to magnetize more light and more love.
Volume Nine
- Discover what sort of service you are called to do and take steps towards fulfilling that purpose daily.
- Embrace the profound power of stillness and allow it to guide your spiritual practice.
- Learn to utilize the skills you have acquired and honed throughout the course in everyday life; note how your life changes as a result.
“I felt Source touch my heart through [Jane’s] voice.”
– Derenda
Details from the Course
What the online course offers:
The Health & Peace Circle Online Course is a starting point for students of spirituality wishing to develop their latent or blooming gifts. The powerful, encouraging energy from Source imbued into each session will meet you wherever you are in your spiritual journey and will gently guide you as you step more fully into the truth of all that you are.
This course offers video and audio content for each chapter, an online companion workbook, unlimited access to the course material*, exclusive live video calls with Jane monthly until Spring 2024, and a fully customizable format designed to suit your individual needs. More detail on each of these points is provided on the Source Course Series Overview page.
*The minimum access guarantee to this content is three years from the launch date, June 3, 2023. Following June 3, 2026, JANE reserves the right to remove and replace this course material with updated content and more recent courses.
More info
Video and audio content for each chapter
There are 6 chapters per volume of this course. Each chapter contains a video and a full transcription of the messages from Source to accompany that video. Each video includes approximately 30 minutes of activation and meditation through Jane’s Dancing Hands and vocalizations, and 30 minutes of messages from Source in the Language of Love, translated by Jane. (Approximately 5-6 hours of video per volume)
A companion workbook
Includes a full transcription of the messages from Source to accompany each video or be read at your leisure. Also offers Questions for Expansion at the end of each chapter, through which students are encouraged to engage more personally with the course material and the energetic messages contained within.
Unlimited access to the course material*
Watch each video once, or seven times over! You will receive lifetime access to the course platform and content with a one-time purchase and can re-watch as often as you wish.
Live group video calls with Jane monthly through December 2023
A designated time slot will be allotted for students participating in the course. The video call will be an hour and a half long, and will include an activation and meditation, the potential for messages to be channeled from Source, and time to answer questions and check-in on how students are finding the course. After December 2023, recordings of the video calls will be made available to students.
A fully customizable format
The course is designed to suit the needs of the individual. The Health & Peace Course is suited to a single student or a group, is flexible to build into a busy schedule, and encourages six days of work and one day of rest each week.
* The minimum access guarantee to this content is three years from the launch date, March 25, 2023. Following March 25, 2026, JANE reserves the right to remove and replace this course material with updated content and more recent courses.
“It was very powerful energy flowing; my body is tingling and all my cells are vibrating.”
– Kathy