If Not Now, When?

February 19, 2024

I shared in our last newsletter that the passing over of our dear Pat Pulamawai Ganaban was a cracking open of my heart unlike anything I’d experienced before. I kept seeing her not just out of the corner of my eye, but she stayed front and center just behind the screen, smiling. My ear kept reaching for the lilt and resonance of her deep and sometimes humorous talkstory for even after my hands stopped clapping, this was our rhythm. She was elder and trickster, holding the sun, sharing its light, shielding, supporting, uplifting. It was an honor to watch her hold sweet sway over our circles from the first year my hands danced.

You can imagine last weekend in our arc of three Quanta Circles how blessed we felt with Pūlamawai’s son, Makoa, and her sister Mickey attending, too. Together, we swam in the most powerful tides of love and aloha rising. Yes, we did some of Pūlamawai’s favorite shaking of bones to sift out the stuff that just wasn’t healthy to carry or bury and she helped dance our grief far out to sea. With so many of us having visits with her before, during, in between the circles, and after, she was with us. Any tears springing forth were used to self-bless. She was free. She bubbled up laughter in spherical rainbows of joy. And she also knuckle rapped on a couple of our hearts. “What are you doin’? Don’t be sad. I’m here! Don’t waste any time feelin’ sad. Go on. Enjoy it while you can. Life is short. Stop wastin’ it.” Her appreciation for the preciousness of life helped us all hold the strong connections we form in our circles time again. And how we all are so much closer to the All-Time—the everlasting infinite than we know. 

We’ll forever learn from our Mama Aina Pūlamawai, especially now she’s clearly having fun sending us messages in new ways—her “God Radio” station songs with just the right message when we need it, the tree outside her house suddenly filled with yellow blossoms, and the yellow butterfly that appeared around her sister. Even tonight, I had a unusual visit.

It’s been pouring rain all day, so I decided not to go grocery shopping, but stay snug inside and make a homemade pizza. As I spread the tomato sauce atop the dough, what should appear out of thin air, but a ladybug to land before me on the breadboard. Mind you, the doors have been closed tight since early this morning and the winter weather is cold, wet and stormy. Yet here appeared a ladybug. She crawled onto my rolling pin and flew first to my dog-eared poetry book and then to my favorite clay pitcher with faceless spirits flying in the blue glaze. Weeks earlier, a friend had dropped it and though he tried to repair it, there was a hole in the crack. Only two minutes earlier it made me a little sad. I loved this pitcher of souls, and then almost instantaneously, inexplicably this ladybug flew in and was showing me… “that’s where the light comes in.” “Dog-ear that poetry, Lady.”

I’m also smiling now as I write this because I’d always laugh when she referred to new women in the circle as “that lady” and here she was “that lady”bug playing on the cracked open field of souls and blue skies.

Please see her picture and click the link below to find out more about our precious friend. Please help by sharing some aloha with her family, I know they would surely appreciate it. Pūlamawai’s children and grandchildren lost both their father/grandpa and mother/grandma in just these last four months, and it will mean the world to them if you’d join me with overflow of heart and spirit. She supported everyone. Now, I hope we can support them. For more about our beloved Pat Pūlamawai Ganaban’s life and how you can share your words or any support for her children and grandchildren, please click here.

Pūlamawai and I spent a good amount of time talking about our ancestors and how important it is to work with the elemental energies of our sacred land everywhere. Now that she is free to be with hers and can join us in spirit, I am already feeling the seeds of special blessings pulling to the light of our Spring Equinox Goddess Gathering & Retreat. Would you like to go and grow, also? 

While tickets to stay at Woodside Manor are now sold out, March 22–24, we still have plenty of tickets for those who wish join us for activities and food, but stay just 15 min. away in either a nearby B & B or hotel. Shar is facilitating so many wonderful things this weekend, and I will be sharing Dancing Hands Circles as well as offering private sessions, too. I’m so grateful for this time and space and beautiful place for us to deepen our roots and adorn our crowns with spring blossoming. Click here for more info and/or write to hello@janesibbett.com for a private session while on retreat. And yes, I’m flying in early.

Speaking of Spring marvelousness… Did you know that the Magical Isles Retreat in Scotland and Ireland coincides with the NINTH Anniversary of the Dancing Hands? And do you recall how my hands were thrown down to dance in the wet sand in Chile in 2019 and I heard that I would find this symbol when I went to Scotland? It would be two more years and two more trips to Scotland before I actually was able to see it in person. It’s still astonishing to me that after searching and searching I could only find it over the “Women’s Entrance” of the Rosslyn Chapel, a historic architectural treasure carved with sacred geometry and complex mysteries that have drawn visitors since it was built in the fifteenth century, 580 years ago.

 From the first dance here, the energies in Scotland were so strong, the Pura Vida pulsing from the land, drew my hands down. And with Source Energy always leading, they were danced into the wet sand on the shores of the North Sea. If you join us there, you will see they move quickly, creating beautiful, intricate patterns often in bands as long as twenty feet, much like a mini crop circle or complicated petroglyphs.  

Perhaps my Stewart roots are tugging them as I am of Scottish blood, but if that’s the case it will be fascinating if my Lee Irish roots will play in Ireland for the first time, too, and when I pop over back to London for re-entry if Moore or Gaines will have their time to draw, too. Even if you don’t have Norse in your veins, you are invited! We have just a few more spaces left if you would like to join us on the adventure of all our most sacred lineage wherever we dance on or off this planet. The Divine is calling us to give respect, protect and nurture it, and then offer prayers for peace and rebirth. I’d love to have you dance at my side here.

Beginning in Edinburgh, we shall be illumined by exquisite codes as we explore the beautiful Rosslyn Chapel.  Via van, ferry, and on dancing feet, we will explore lochs, ley lines and love for the powerful beauty of the mists and mysteries rising from the very breath of the Highlands. We will dance among Standing Stones older than Stonehenge, carefully tread near the fae and Fairy Pools, and explore the Cliffs of Moher. I believe these are the very same that I’d run across and toward my friend in a shared out-of-body experience when we were just 22 years old. My heart feels there will be a new opening here nearly forty years later.

As a group, we will eat in local cafes, explore a romantic castle or two, and meditate in the peace of the wide beaches, connecting with the wonder. And if anyone ever needs extra time to rest or slow their pace, we have secured lodging with beautiful views of the water and vast quiet on both the Isle of Skye and in Ireland. Everything in my being is thrilled about this particular alignment of dancing heaven on earth with you.

Here are some impressions from our last journey:

“The resonance I feel with the land in Scotland now has me yearning to spend extended time there… I was moved to tears so many times during our week (how could that have been just a week???) I experienced so much joy, gratitude, peace, awe, connection, resonance, fascination, curiosity, delight, and deep, deep love for the people, the places, the beauty everywhere… Experiencing the immersion in the Dancing Hands energy was a beautiful enhancement to my experience.  The lens of the energy brought things into focus in a big heartful way.  There was such an honoring every new place we walked, and the expansive state our collective energy in the grand adventure was palpable as we played and danced in and around the magnificent waypoints on our journey.”  ~A. Hyatt WA, US

As we reach these isles, we will be feeling into the energies of the land, sky, and sea while kindling the fires of Source within, so if you’re joining, prepare yourself for spontaneous circles and diversions along the route as we see/feel/experience the beauty.

From Lynda, our Scottish friend and guide:

“Our sacred and magical land is special to us and is waiting to give you a warm welcome as you embark on your Magical Isles Sacred Sea Adventure”.

Blessings, Love, and Blue Skies,


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