Meeting Old Guides & New Friends with Love

June 3, 2024

Hello, Sweet Souls,

I’ve been back from Germany (and Denmark, England, Ireland, and Scotland, too) for seven days of upside-down days and nights, and I feel as if I am still dreaming. I’ve many times spoken of our past retreats, where my cells clearly have lagged, staying behind for extra-long dancing in the mystical fae circles of dreams and our intentional focus. And here, even today, I feel them spiraling up, still assimilating all the new information, the downloads from the land, the whispering of the sacred trees, the scent of the waters from the sky and sea, and the deepening of each sacred gift of fire given, spun like the gold of the ancients to share. 

I continue to carry you, my fellow travelers, in my heart, and this group gathered through some of the most magical lands we’ve seen yet. We hiked through storms, and we inhaled rainbows. We met new friends, sat in ancient chapels with potent vortices, and let go of schedules to gather for a spontaneous and important ceremony to release the last wish of one of our friends’ mama. We crossed moats and explored castles, hiked to the fairy pools, and toasted to one another under clouds of bonfire sparks, steaming cocoa, and tea. We dove back into time to celebrate Beltaine in the center of sacred Ireland, watching ancient fire ceremonies lit by Druid storytelling that pre-dated Christianity to tap into the feminine pulse of a matrilineal balance. I know we touched on this last week, but it’s still all bubbling with remarkable clarity. Cheers to all!

So here, again, I am slowly reassembling my freshly scrubbed sinew under a waning crescent moon beginning at 3:00 AM and all through this day. Honeysuckle floats on the warm breeze every bit as deliciously as the fragrant roses still rambling over the rock walls in the five countries where I inhaled, twirling in spring’s new beginnings.

Source continues to speak in the blooming flowers here now in my monthlong neglected garden, reminding me of the musical tones of every place we danced and touched. My own yard needs weeding and trimming so that all plants can find their light, but it takes time, shared vision, bare feet or boots on the ground, and gloves to stave off the thorns and stickers in order to bring it all to fruition for a happier whole. Much in the same way, each standing stone and tiny pebble still sing from my pocket, “Remember the light. Peace and harmony require your tenacious heart to keep each a part of the sacred circle that we are.” How now to keep the best of our sparkling lessons and bountiful blessings here in the surreal day-to-day life?

These retreats—or any of our Dancing Hands circles, for that matter—are not simple, passively received tours to and from Sleeping Beauty’s wishing well at the castle, nor are they for the faint of heart. While private sessions can and do unlock healing gifts and sweet peace and balance most powerfully, those putting in concentrated time before, during, and after our retreats to find all they can be, often discover that to heal on every layer they may also rub their hearts on longstanding edges for an even bigger honing than expected. Like all true sacred adventures, one requires great spiritual athleticism and tuned focus for the best and highest good for each participant and the group collectively. We always suggest everyone pack lightly and port extra love and light to allow not just the gifts that may come but also to open the hinges wider so the forces of expansion can lift and spin away what no longer serves. 

A handful of other intrigue and delight arising from this last adventure for the next:

Sprichst du die Sprache der Liebe? One doesn’t need to speak English or even understand what is happening to receive Source’s gift through these humble dancing hands. After my first Jane’s Dancing Hands Circle in Flensburg, Germany, Mel, our friend and facilitator in Germany, translated for many in attendance—me included. One beautiful elder shared she can’t remember the last time she was as utterly pain-free as she was after the circle. She said it’s been years and years since she had zero pain. This made us all happy to hear. Just as few can directly translate the Language of Love, the frequency of love in Germany was profoundly moving in her and others, and I so look forward to returning within the year to this very special place and her wonderful people for more.

Our next JDH Quanta Circle is June 12, 13, and 14—all three dates at 5:30 PM DST. Quanta Circles following live events and especially retreats always have a very special energy, often flowing from the places we’ve just visited, the expanding gifts of the participants, or the upliftment we just received. One of our friends traveling with us this last time likened her retreat experience to getting her PhD with practical lessons and hands-on dancing–coming from Source through the Dancing Hands, and also, as she was invited to a private session and the final circles in Germany to share, too. She can tell you more about that next time if she wishes. Join this Quanta Circle by clicking here.

You in Peru? Our next retreat is scheduled for Peru and the Galapagos Islands in October. While we will be culling the cave climbing from our itinerary this time due to the many rigors of that leg, I do know from our past adventure there that this entire trip absolutely requires a strong positive mental attitude and exceptional physical fitness (cardiovascular and muscular) to ascend the trails of Machu Picchu in the altitude and sometimes hot or wet weather. I am starting my training in earnest again tomorrow for this now that I’m back from Europe and my foot has healed. 

While I wish I could take everyone, this isn’t the time to fudge your abilities. After we acclimate to the altitude for a day, we will climb up many trails for several days, away from hotels, vans, elevators, and support. Please look carefully at the itinerary if you’re interested. I need to finalize plans and take the first deposits within three weeks. The final deposit is due early September. 

Again, my desire for small groups is essential for the kind of sacred retreat work required here, but please know everyone will have to have an interview to join this one. While swimming was a requirement when we had our Swimming with the Humpbacks Retreat in Tonga, we had the dearest soul come who didn’t understand how imperative this was. And yes, blessedly, we figured out a workaround so she could have the bliss of being in the water with the whales, and it was glorious; this journey to parts of Peru and Ecuador wouldn’t have such workarounds. Thanks for your help here. Know others who would be up for this kind of adventure? Please let us know ASAP if you’d love to join me on this extraordinarily sacred adventure in Peru.

A New Source Course. Just as Source pushed through the remarkable Conversations with Source Series (7 Days, 14 Days, and 21 Day sessions for hundreds of sessions during the lockdown), and then later the Meta-tations, (all still available), Source is encouraging us go “back to school,” with fresh offerings, each to be shared for eight sessions. Please let me know if you’d be interested in a once-weekly or twice-weekly Source Course beginning the week of August 19. These would be small group courses, have homework similar to the Source Courses that create the transformational Book of You, and would require only an hour per class (with daily homework 15 min-45 min. depending on how deep you go.) 

If you’ve not yet taken any of the Source Courses, please review how these come through and how much they’ve powerfully encouraged the growth and gifts of each participant. Even the Meta-tations (without homework or discussion) have had moving testimonials of their stunning potency from those who have joined. If you are interested in the newest Source Course, please let us know.

And now, though I’m ready for bed (it’s nearly midnight in Europe!), I am off to see Mom because the Queen Mum would like a milkshake. I hope the rest of your weekend is blessed, restful, and as sweet as Mom’s most fervent wish for joy.

Until the next time… thank you for being here. Thank you to all who retreat with me on and offline. I’m sending love to all as always.

Blessings, Love, and Blue Skies,


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