Meta-tations in Mastery – Volume One


Highlights of the Course

• Powerful frequencies from Source Energy bringing your chakras into alignment and expansion with your Higher Self while simultaneously soothing your nervous system.

• Cultivation of the still, sacred space within to be accessed anytime, anywhere.

• A series of guided meditations and channeled messages from Source via JANE (Joyfully Activating Nurturing Energy).

• Structured time inviting deeper discipline interfacing with Source-channeled information and activating on a cellular and intellectual level to facilitate higher inspiration and daily balance.

• Encouragement to develop clearer listening of Source Energy through all known and untapped senses and the encouragement for co-creation with sentient information everywhere.


PLEASE READ Pre-requisite:
While this series does not have a prerequisite course as in the case of the Source Course series Conversations with Source, the energy coming through from the very first session is powerful and direct in its information and activating energies. This is a series for those who have extensive practice with Jane’s Dancing Hands work and in particular with the sacred space structure and respect of your “classtime” as in the series Conversations with Source. These videos have no introduction in how to sit, focus, or create your sacred space for your ultimate success as seen in the Health & Peace Circles and for some, these feel along the lines of a Masters Course akin to Conversations as there is no hand holding. The energy is loving, as always, but if you have any questions or doubt whether this course is for you, please reach out to us at to discuss.

Extra course materials:
Physical journal for deepening meditation transmissions after meditation. We have some available for purchase online or you may use your own. While we understand many use digital journals for ease, it is encouraged to write in a physical journal to activate your hands to receive the information in a slower and more focused way for the deepening reflections and insights. You may also wish to draw what you see. Be prepared to play outside of the lines here.

*The minimum access guarantee to this content is three years from the launch date, March 25, 2023. Following March 25, 2026, JANE reserves the right to remove and replace this course material with updated content and more recent courses.



This policy is to ensure that the healing practices, exercises, materials, and terms presented to participants in any program are utilized appropriately. To enroll in any program or course, participants agree to the restrictions on the use of information presented by Joyfully Activating Nurturing Energy (henceforth referred to as JANE) and participants must observe the following guidelines for using and sharing this work:

  1. Participants of the JANE Circles may not advertise or present themselves in any way that implies that they are a branch or authorized representative of the JANE Circles.
  2. Participants may not advertise or represent themselves as being certified by the JANE to teach, until Source Courses through JANE work have been completed and have received the appropriate certification and authorization by Jane Sibbett, JANE, and The Family of Light, Inc.
  3. Our teaching is an oral tradition and students are encouraged to take notes. However, any materials—transcribed or otherwise—handed out during the JANE, and Source Courses are for the students’ personal use only. Students may not provide materials to any other individuals, including clients or family members, unless authorized by the JANE through written permission.
  4. You may not teach JANE healing techniques, methods, exercises, materials, or any other part of the curriculum developed or used by the JANE Circles or Source Courses in any manner. Setting up schools, or sponsoring seminars, workshops and training programs that use the JANE techniques, curriculum, and channeled materials is unlawful, and prohibited.
  5. If a JANE participant wishes to give an informational talk or seminar about Jane Sibbett or JANE Circles and the work, please contact the office to obtain guidelines and materials available for such events. We’re here to help share the love.
  6. The online platform videos and class materials are the property of Jane Sibbett, JANE, and The Family of Light, Inc., and may not be downloaded, copied, or reproduced in any way.

Disclaimer: Please be advised that the technology used at the time of recording was imprecise and subject to the fluctuating internet connectivity present at the start of the pandemic. The videos have been edited as a result to run more smoothly, as well as to protect the identity of the original participants. Prospective students should note that these edits have not influenced the energy contained within each session – they have only served to improve cohesion.