The Source Course Series
Conversaciones con la Fuente
More than a traditional course in meditation, the Conversations with Source is an expanding wave of activation in mastery for these ever-evolving times
After more than 75 sessions with a beta group, this compilation of the Conversations with Source videos and transcripts is for all who are ready to commit to their sacred journey with Source in a new, personal, and profoundly moving way.
Because this Source Course began downloading with no advance notice amid the chaos of the pandemic with a request from Source to start to to share with a broader group just two days later from my home studio, this wasn’t about getting it movie production-perfect or even public TV quasi-perfect. This was about using the tools we had at hand via our humble Zoom room to help who we could as quickly as possible in receiving not only the messages from Source but trusting what was opening within each to share for a more harmonious and unified field of positive transformation for humanity.
With no end in sight with concerns of health and peace swirling around the globe, we had also been asked not to waste a moment more in getting this up and available to others who resonate to a compassionate way forward from any eye of any storm.
When it was posited that we consider starting over with higher quality equipment, Source emphatically shared that nothing was to be wasted – not time, not stuttering connectivity with Wi-Fi, not a single beat or frame. Even in the humblest shares, the group learned to cultivate trust that the connection and information were running even through the stalls or reboots of the storms. Participants began to settle in and let control go for only the Best and Highest Good to prevail. Everyone began to hold greater focus on balance, health, and even peace while many in the world were quaking with the unknown and grappling with contrasting beliefs, philosophies, and some of the more complex questions of life. Listening became deeper even in the gaps of “knowing” or Internet bubbles. Our group stopped asking, praying, and searching and learned to be in the frame of something new; to BE in the peace, to be the dancing mudras, or the Language of Love pouring in from Source through Jane. It was new for everyone after the many wilder and equally powerful dances.
Source then laid out some rules to help strengthen and refine each participant’s sacred mastery elaborating and empowering:
- Commitment
- Sacred Space
- Preparation
- Timeliness
- Stillness
- Deep Listening
- Interaction
- Compassion
- Discipline for more significant growth, spiritual muscles, respect, and honor
- Communal Caretaking
What’s it like to collaborate with Source Energy through JANE’s* dance of co-creating the best version of you?
- Calms the nervous system and realigns the chakra systems
- Sharpens the inner vision while improving the quality of what the eyes receive from the outer world
- Allows access to the bliss points to facilitate self-healing
- Enhances learning and increases the retention of information
- Strengthens the immune system
- Fortifies the heart, spirit, and emotional wellbeing
Why a Circle?
What do participants say about JANE's Circles?
“How amazing I feel builds exponentially each day… I’m incredibly grateful and sharing it all about.”
– Zanni
“I’m getting such deep healing that I didn’t even know I needed. Feeling soft and tender, vulnerable in my heart. The stillness and the isolation are giving me the sacred space I’ve needed to hear my own yearnings.”
– Dr. Mary Ann
“I was mesmerized by the dance tonight. Have [had] a hard time for few days now to find any zest for life, hard to put one foot in front of other. Being wrapped in all the love brought many tears and peacefulness.”
– Jarka
“That was a divinely peaceful space in time.”
– Vicki
“It is so good to have it be reinforced that our gifts are real and true and not weird or strange in a negative way. They are about being true to ourselves.”
– Gail
“This has been giving me so much life! It’s really saving me. So grateful!”
– Trish
“I felt Source touch my heart through [Jane’s] voice.”
– Derenda
“It was soft and peaceful. It brought me strongly in line with my divine essence.”
– Vasiliki
“I haven’t moved so freely in my body in a long time!”
– Suzanna
“It was very powerful energy flowing; my body is tingling and all my cells are vibrating.”
– Kathy
*Joyfully Activating Nurturing Energy of Source
“It is so good to have it be reinforced that our gifts are real and true and not weird or strange in a negative way. They are about being true to ourselves.”
– Gail
Highlights of the Course
- Powerful activation and encouragement from Source Energy to claim and develop one’s gifts to the point of Mastery.
- Poignant lessons cultivating deep internal peace, allowing each to meet mutable circumstances in a calm, collected state of mind.
- A robust, 24/7, co-creative connection with Source Energy that can be independently accessed anywhere.
- Energetic activations and guided meditations with JANE’s Dancing Hands and channeled vocalizations from Source.
- Combination of learning styles facilitating deep understanding on myriad levels.
- Fortifying trust in one’s intuition as an ongoing compass on the path beyond the completion of the course.
“This journey has brought me to exactly where I need to be. I am exactly the person I have always meant to be. I knew I was destined for something big. This is it.”
– Rose
A sneak peek at the 7 volumes this course offers
Seven Volumes Dedicated to Precision Work and Honing the Mastery of Your Spiritual Gifts
Volume One
- Learn to energetically cleanse yourself to be more receptive to Source’d lessons and activations.
- Begin to trust your intuition through methods such as automatic writing and meditation to more clearly hear the messages being sent to you.
- Fine-tune and strengthen your personal connection to Source Energy.
- Build trust in the subtle frequency codes you are receiving in the quiet moments between the messages.
Volume Two
- Reaffirm and celebrate your Divine nature with those who have gathered on every plane to support your spiritual journey.
- Gain an understanding of the preparation that is required for the depth of spiritual work being undertaken.
- Enjoy a physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional recalibration throughout the arc of the volume to bring your systems into greater alignment and harmony.
Volume Three
- Utilize breathwork to fill the planet, the people you love, those who could use support, and your own body and soul with the purest love.
- Unburden your mind and spirit of past things that no longer serve you; feel and honor the difference after this purification.
- Forge connections with your fellow kindred spiritual athletes—here and everywhere—and learn to merge with that energy for protection and support whenever it is needed.
Volume Four
- As the energy of the course deepens, become more comfortable with the magnitude and power of your gifts; learn to hone them further.
- Understand the interconnectedness of the dimensional planes and attend to the rhythms of each.
- Delve into the memories of your soul and gain confidence in who you truly are and who you came here to be.
- Practice expressing the abundance of love that the universe has to offer in your daily life; note how people respond.
Volume Five
- Refine your agility in all areas of your life in order to meet mutable times with calm composure.
- Form a commitment to honor yourself and your work and to move forward on your spiritual path with compassion for all.
- Nurture the trust you began building at the beginning of the course and fortify this piece to be able to further sharpen your intuition.
- Reconnect with the utter delight and exhilaration of youth; recognize how this broadens your perspective and mastery of your gifts.
Volume Six
- Remember your essential nature and acknowledge how essential you and your gifts are to this planet, in this time.
- Receive great respect, love, and appreciation for walking this path and helping others wake up to who they truly are.
- Learn to direct your attention to what different environments require and develop the tools to attend to these needs on a large scale.
Volume Seven
- Find peace in encountering the unknown and striking out on a new path with the knowledge that you are infinitely supported and cared for.
- Embrace the abundance of love and pure joy that exists in the universe for you; learn what this means as a steward and a conduit.
- Celebrate what completion in one course means for the long run of one who is awake, aware, and happily on the path to dance with the world and all her planes of joyous mastery in life.
Details from the Course
What the online course offers
The Conversations with Source Online Course is an advanced course for those who are prepared to take their gifts and their soul purpose seriously. It provides powerful activation and guiding messages from Source Energy to encourage greater expansion and delight in your growing abilities. It is more highly-structured than the other courses offered, but in both the homework and the recommended journaling as you write the Book of You, there is the opportunity to go much, much deeper. In essence: it is a Master’s course for your Spiritual Activation.
This course offers video and audio content for each chapter, an online companion workbook, unlimited access to the course material*, exclusive live video calls with Jane monthly until Spring 2024, and a fully customizable format designed to suit your individual needs. More detail on each of these points is provided on the Source Course Series Overview page.
*The minimum access guarantee to this content is three years from the launch date, Junio 3, 2023. Following Junio 3, 2026, JANE reserves the right to remove and replace this course material with updated content and more recent courses.
More info
Video and audio content for each chapter
There are 6 chapters per volume of this course. Each chapter contains a video and a full transcription of the messages from Source to accompany that video. Each video includes approximately 30 minutes of activation and meditation through Jane’s Dancing Hands and vocalizations, and 30 minutes of messages from Source in the Language of Love, translated by Jane. (Approximately 5-6 hours of video per volume)
A companion workbook
Includes a full transcription of the messages from Source to accompany each video or be read at your leisure. Also offers Questions for Expansion at the end of each chapter, through which students are encouraged to engage more personally with the course material and the energetic messages contained within.
Unlimited access to the course material*
Watch each video once, or seven times over! You will receive lifetime access to the course platform and content with a one-time purchase and can re-watch as often as you wish.
Live group video calls with Jane monthly through Diciembre 2023
A designated time slot will be allotted for students participating in the course. The video call will be an hour and a half long, and will include an activation and meditation, the potential for messages to be channeled from Source, and time to answer questions and check-in on how students are finding the course. After Diciembre 2023, recordings of the video calls will be made available to students.
A fully customizable format
The course is designed to suit the needs of the individual. The Health & Peace Course is suited to a single student or a group, is flexible to build into a busy schedule, and encourages six days of work and one day of rest each week.
* The minimum access guarantee to this content is three years from the launch date, Marzo 25, 2023. Following Marzo 25, 2026, JANE reserves the right to remove and replace this course material with updated content and more recent courses.
“This energy is so powerful that it supersedes all the earthly obstacles of space and time. We are one and this time together across time and space has been linked. So powerful. So beautiful. God is good.”
– Diane
Extra Messages from Source:
Love, life, and energy are live wires for humanity and, as seen in the forces of nature, are often unruly as they move through the planet. We dance here with respect and love for all.
S: We are wrangling the unruly right now. And if we can’t wrangle the unruly within ourselves, we cannot wrangle the unruly in our world right now. And we need to wrangle it and refocus it for goodness. There are times for us to be wild and unruly, do the chaotic dances, listen to chaotic music, and shake it all out – to play, laugh, and recreate, but right now, this (shift) is something else. This is “Samsei Piko.”
Source translated “samsei” as – samadhi or unification of the mind where union of the divine is reached. This is the highest state of mental concentration that a person can achieve still bound to the body, which unites one to the highest reality. Piko in Hawaiian has a few meanings, and all are correct. Piko is the belly button/center of being. It is also the summit of a mountain, as well as the place where the stem is attached to the leaf of taro, one of the sacred plants in the islands, which, much like the lotus flowers, often grows from muddy flood plains and is central to survival and prosperity. The taro plant is also a plant that connects one with their ancestors.
New Tone.
While JDH Circles often have great fun and joy, these sessions embody a shift to meet the mutable and wildly swirling times with greater calm and honor.
We began on Junio 12, 2020, and since then have had more than 75 Samsei Piko sessions.
During the pandemic, this Source Course was divinely orchestrated so we could learn together. And while the recorded version of this course can be for any time of the day, the class still cultivates community for those who understand and can honor the import of “the Best and Highest Good for One and All.” While we first had a live circling up at the beginning and completion for the group at each segment, this round of Conversations with Source in the new JANE’s Sparkling Circle platform will have greater flexibility for you and a new, growing community to join any time of the day that works for you, while having the dates to participate in monthly online sessions with Jane and Source Course participants. Here, each will have time for greater clarification and deepening of the material’s activating message in the videos, transcripts, or anything that may arise from your time in your online sessions.
The new format is more concise than JDH Quanta Circles, 1hr total. 30 min. Activation/meditation, then 30 min. of Source messages through Jane. Before you arrive, you’ll be asked to journal for five to 30 minutes, depending on how deep you wish to go. After each session, you’re asked to answer some questions to continue your deepening with Source. For some, this will fall out quite naturally, as if Source is moving your pen or keyboarding for you. For others, you may need to spend more time meditating to process what is evolving. You will be asked to share this “home/heartwork” before and after each session. The more you put in before and after, and the more you’re ready to receive in the session, and all throughout all the in-between times, the more you’ll understand how you may be in constant communication with Source coursing through your being, too—details to follow with your commitment.
PLEASE READ Pre-requisite:
This is a series for those who have extensive practice with Jane’s Dancing Hands work, and are prepared for the sacred space structure and the respect of your “classtime” and dedicated time for home/heartwork. These videos have no introduction in how to sit, focus, or create your sacred space for your ultimate success as seen in the Health & Peace Circles and for some, these feel along the lines of a Masters Course akin to Conversations as there is no hand holding. The energy is loving, as always, but if you have any questions or doubt whether this course is for you, please reach out to us at to discuss.
Extra course materials:
Physical journal for deepening meditation transmissions after meditation. We have some available for purchase online or you may use your own. While we understand many use digital journals for ease, it is encouraged to write in a physical journal to activate your hands to receive the information in a slower and more focused way for the deepening reflections and insights. You may also wish to draw what you see. Be prepared to play outside of the lines here.
*The minimum access guarantee to this content is three years from the launch date, Marzo 25, 2023. Following Marzo 25, 2026, JANE reserves the right to remove and replace this course material with updated content and more recent courses.