Blessed New Year, my Sparkling Friends,
Welcome to life on Earth, 2025. How does this day/evening find you? There is much wisdom in my ancient heart that feels that spring is more new year-like as was the case for my Celtic ancestors, but nevertheless, on this lovely, cozy-in, grey day-outside in Northern California, as my dear eldest daughter gathers wood for the fire and warm drinks for our early evening, I still felt a tug to reach out and put a tiny note in your hand for the New Year on this day that much of the world celebrates as the new year:
I am so grateful you are here.
As a child, we had a delightful treasure tree at the end of our tiny street, which bumped up to the lagoon. I never knew when, but every once in a twinkle, there was a little note, a shell, or even a sliver of a smooth skipping stone from the fairies tucked into the hollowed-out belly of the tree. The notes, if any, were also sometimes wrapped around a freshly plucked flower, feather, or pretty twig. They were simple. Sometimes, they said:
Or: Enjoy
This blue is darker than the sky but reminds us of your eyes
How does this feel in your hand?
Or just:
I had earlier whispered in circles, and in the last newsletter, there might be a dance for spontaneous souls. I just heard it’s today and soon, so forgive that the nudge came in the middle of a vision board choice to put more people I love in the flow that comes from Source Energy. Sometimes, Source does that—quick as a fiddle. But in a timeless world or a time out of time galaxy, is there such a thing as “last minute” or “too soon” for you to enjoy all the treasures of this sacred space we share in this vast universe and beyond? Maybe? Most of us have agreed to clocks and calendars as strange as they may be to our natural rhythms, so… yes?
Then, if you are seeing this “in time” and you’d like to join me, I’ll be having a quiet-ish meditation today at 5:30 PM Pacific. It’s a gathering around Source’s treasure tree–a gift for you to start our new year with focus for discovering all the surprising and wondrous ways we can share delight, peace, and mystical remembrance of our vibrant connectivity to All-That-Is.
It’s free. “I don’t have time” to create tickets either, so if you see this and can email me by 5:10 PM (20 min. before we begin. Hmm, that’s pretty exact, isn’t it?), I’ll send you a link. I have a peaceful playlist for our Dancing Hands meditation, and I’ll be seated, not standing, but you’d be welcome to join on your feet if you wish.
We can chat after a bit, or you can slip away, too. We may be a sweet little group. Source always sorts this out, but let’s go in gently if you wish to come. If you are joining with an iPad, thanks for turning the mic off immediately (the default always puts iPad mics on) and keeping your mic off until I say otherwise.
I’ll be recording this for my record keeping, but, as always, thanks for understanding no one else may record or photograph these sessions without my express permission.
And if you can’t join us today, here’s this:
Happy New Year again!
And I hope I’ll see you again soon.
Our tickets were up for this month’s Quanta, but something went sideways over the holiday, and our IT angel is still on vacation. If it hasn’t been fixed yet, trust that it will be sorted out soon. Send Violet a note at if you’d like V to hold you a spot.
I’m in the liminal space already, so I best send this to you now. And yes, please bring your heart full of your highest and best intentions for yourself, your family, and our precious planet and all her beings, but also, perhaps today, give yourself the gift of seeing what Source effortlessly wishes to whisper in your ear between the notes, between the Language of Love, or between your heart and the grace of this gift for us all. That is always available but sometimes more keenly felt when in a gathering of sparkling circling souls like this.
In light and love always (as tonight there are no blue skies here 😉 )
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