Tuesday, February 11th at 5:30pm PT
Wednesday, February 12th at 5:30pm PT
Thursday, February 13th at 5:30pm PT
Healing + Love + Light + Peace
JANE’s Dancing Hands Expanded Quanta Circle – is an online version of Jane’s Quanta Circle. This format invites the same depth of work with the purest Source Energy in a transformational three-day arc of love, light, and abundant joy but within a more intimate group of between five and 14 people.
Collaborator participants co-create the Expanded Quanta Circle with both written and spoken intentions and commit to upholding safe and sacred space for one another. This supportive community becomes its own vessel of purest Source Energy as a solid and fluid foundation of kindred hearts is established — growing the work not only of private experiences with Source Energy but carrying the light of self-healing and communal light-bearing forward and expanding potential together.
This is an exciting outgrowth for those who have loved their circle work and private sessions with Jane and wish to work not just even more intimately with the Dancing Hands/purest Source Energy experience but also potentially find supportive friends on the path of a more happily experienced conscious life.
Each Quanta Circle includes:
Check-in – How are you mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually? And then, on a scale of 1 – 10, with 10 being perfect, happy, whole, healthy, how do you feel? Each participant shares succinctly and honestly but can work privately or quietly, too. All write down “where they are.”
Focus – Much like an intention for the circle, this could also be a yes to Source activating this and a more “positive, beautiful and beneficial outcome beyond our imagining,” allowing room for our hearts to open to Source knowing best.
Dance – The dance segment is 25 – 45 min., Source chosen, but the supportive Source energy runs from the beginning of the session until the circle is complete (and onward) for each and all collectively.
Discussion/Wrap up/Post Check-In —
Revelations, experiences, sensations, where one is now on the 1 – 10 scale, takeaways.
Writing each day post circle to bring light to the shifts, revelations, questions, and comments.
To find out more about what this gift of JANE’s Dancing Hands entails, check out the links below:
“OH, HOW I APPRECIATE YOU ALL! I felt the energy so deeply today, and even stood up and danced, then laid on the floor, which seemed to release even more. LOVE! My ‘spot’ is clearing, and my upper abdomen pain is gone from the ‘surgeries’ these past 2 days! Just had to send a Celebration Text – Soooo grateful!”
– T. Thomas
“This was my first experience. The energy was so intense, I felt bathed in Light and Love. I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Thank you so much.”
– A.C.
“I was completely relaxed. I have been stressed and agitated and a little angry. It was so beautiful to just… be. Tingles and deep breaths and calm. I needed that.”
– N.P.
“I feel peace. Thank you for this amazing Source transmission, it’s beyond words. I felt the sacredness so deeply. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and blessing on everyone.”
– M.J.
“I completely felt close to something ancient. I felt held. I felt like when you were saying “It’s okay” over and over. It was for me. Thank you.”
– M.C