“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
~ John Holmes
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Rain Shadows & Finding Pots of Gold
Beauty, None of the following was a dream. Sky and Ruby were still sleeping. My mama heart cooed with the early Mourning Doves. Pulling on my On...
Hugging It Out
Beautiful Friends, First, a deep hug from me to you. I don’t presume to know where or how you are right now, but I feel the great need for longer,...
The Gentle Path
Dear Friends, I couldn’t start fresh. The jumble jar of details was essential, it seems. If I can’t be clear about this time, and I can’t even find...
Harvesting Autumn Equinox
Happy Lunar Eclipse, Supermoon & Autumnal Equinox Week, my fellow Sacred Shifting Souls, Did you have a beautiful lunar eclipse last night? Are...