Wednesday, June 14th at 5:30pm PST
Thursday, June 15th at 5:30pm PST
Friday, June 16th at 5:30pm PST
Click the “Get Tickets” button below to register and join us for this experience!
“Some feel the energy begin as soon as they decide to join the circle – that could be months, weeks, or minutes before the event. To start, we circle up, welcome all, and the facilitator and I invite everyone to have a seat on a yoga mat or chair if one is not comfy on the floor.
“We talk about expectations, intentions, what one might feel or not feel. We discuss that each circle is unlike another even if one has come to a circle 100 times before. Each circle is always different.
“We share protocol, that it is sacred and safe space, and I ask for loving respect for all who have come with heart; that we are dancing for the best and highest good of one and all, individually and collectively.
“Nothing is choreographed or planned. While many come with specific hopes, I, Jane don’t need to hear anything for Source to share harmonizing energy for each person there. I am literally danced, not knowing next which way I’m going or where my hands will respectfully and lovingly dance.
“Even the playlist for each circle, (save the Quanta Circles), is sometimes mixed right before the circle spontaneously as Source sees fit. For dancers, the music rides two waves, much like 5 Rhythms or Ecstatic Dance with Intro, Wave 1, Share, Wave 2, Share 2 and closing.
“As I dance for one, I dance for all in the Jane’s Dancing Hands Circle, the Quanta Circle, the Love Fest, the New Circles, and even in the Conversations with Source, Health & Peace Circle, and Meta-tations. This means, I could be dancing with one – working on her neck – and another across the room might have a spontaneous healing in a sore knee, that the pain-in-the-neck relationship with one’s sister is shaking out on the dance floor for healing and that could instantly repair is sore knee.
“Source goes and flows and knows best and we all may stand in proxy for the healing of another with no negative impact or residue from the experience beyond an extra sparkle of love as we commit with highest and best harmony with all. Anything that doesn’t serve goes in the compost!
“Depending upon the size of the circles, each can be as short as one-hour or as long as ninety minutes to two hours. If you join a bigger circle, plan accordingly. I will dance with all, but if the circle is large, I move quite quickly to ensure I dance with everyone. By the circle’s end, I will make sure I have as many lying comfortably down on the floor as possible as I will touch the heads or hands of all with final blessings, activations, or deeper experiences of meditation. Those who can’t lie or get off the floor easily are welcome to receive the energy comfortably from a chair – all good.
“Most all participants feel something, but for those who don’t, be assured the energy is always given and flows with peace and love whether one’s perceptions are aligned to feel it or not. Some may feel shifts immediately in the room, near immediately, or much later. You are encouraged not to worry about the timing but encouraged to keep your eyes and heart open for when the gifts exchanged between Source and your higher self to bloom. Again, it is always right timing for the spiritual gifts to be received when it is best for the mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Compassion and grace for your best timing, as mysterious as it may be, are always welcome. There is a reason much of which is sacred is mysterious.
“After the active dancing with the circle, we have found that when one shares – even a word or sentence of what they experienced – it gives breath, air, wings, and heart to the gift running in that participant. When we name what we experience whether with trust, gratitude, or even wonder we allow greater assimilation blooming of the Source flow. “Where two or more are gathered,” sharing in a group gives even more traction for the gifts of all attendees to open wider than before.
“With permission, I may tap or touch the limbs and head to the comfort of the participants and do my best to hug all before we stretch back into our more human form. When it is not aligned to touch, I may use my own body as proxy with equal flow.
“I understand much of what happens defies some human understanding and to receive energy in a moving meditation like dance may seem strange to a few in our modern world, but it is one of the most ancient ways communities gathered to connect the body temple with Source energy on the Earth temple of Source and its Pura Vida. When we allow ourselves to return to the primordial forms of dancing with gratitude, wonder, discovery, and harmony we have the opportunity to reconnect not only with Source, but our sacred, ancestral lineage. And it’s fun! Icing for those who’d like to get off their meditation cushions and play in the joyful dance of what can be.”
“OH, HOW I APPRECIATE YOU ALL! I felt the energy so deeply today, and even stood up and danced, then laid on the floor, which seemed to release even more. LOVE! My ‘spot’ is clearing, and my upper abdomen pain is gone from the ‘surgeries’ these past 2 days! Just had to send a Celebration Text – Soooo grateful!”
– T. Thomas
“This was my first experience. The energy was so intense, I felt bathed in Light and Love. I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Thank you so much.”
– A.C.
“I was completely relaxed. I have been stressed and agitated and a little angry. It was so beautiful to just… be. Tingles and deep breaths and calm. I needed that.”
– N.P.
“I feel peace. Thank you for this amazing Source transmission, it’s beyond words. I felt the sacredness so deeply. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and blessing on everyone.”
– M.J.
“I completely felt close to something ancient. I felt held. I felt like when you were saying “It’s ok” over and over. It was for me. Thank you.”
– M.C.
Click the button below to register and join us for this experience!
In the last 13 years Jane has traveled the world producing live events and documentaries – primarily empowering spiritually connected groups and individuals. After a surprising activation in May 2015, Jane suddenly found her hands “dancing” in ways that have also begun helping others find peace, alignment, joy, unconditional love, even opening up abilities of self-healing in groups and individuals, and situations in what Sibbett calls a tide of purest Source energy.
Jane doesn’t call herself a healer for that suggests training and certification, but merely a vessel, a conduit, or a prayer dancer where harmonizing and healing in mind, body, emotions, and spirit can and often does occur during and after Dancing Hands sessions or events. Because that which happens when Jane’s hands automatically begin dancing defies tradition or definition – it is not reiki or tapping or anything like anything she or others know — her friends coined “Jane’s Dancing Hands” simply describing their motion, not what they do. How they connect with each person is as different every time as it is with every circle, ever rotation, every session, yet always bringing peace to all. Source is encouraging we try on JANE’s dance with the acronym Joyfully Activating Nurturing Energy.
To find out more about this gift which continues to delight and surprise Jane even after meeting and dancing with thousands all over the world for nearly eight years, please explore: JANESIBBETT.COM
See more about what we are talking about here:
YouTube with Eric Lutes and Lyme with Jane’s Dancing Hands:
Dancing Hands on Facebook: