Hugging It Out

October 7, 2024

Beautiful Friends,

First, a deep hug from me to you. I don’t presume to know where or how you are right now, but I feel the great need for longer, truer embraces. Ready? Let’s hug it out. There is a lot going on in the world and my greatest compassion to all wherever you are.

Source is pushing forward to address you directly:

Again, these dancing hands rise for the best and highest individual and collective good, and the heartbeat of Source presses in to find rhythm with your own heart as you read these words. Take a moment. Do you feel the flame of your soul sputtering or shimmying to be met? Here, we kindle our kinship – bellows puff through one steady, long breath after another, reminding us that love is always here, no matter what. Bringing the sparks from all the lives we’ve joined together, I know that in the next shared in-breath and out, we rise to remember why we are here. 

What part of the poetry of this life is speaking to you right now? Or is it a visual thread that has snagged the sweater wrapping your heart? It may not be the surprising thud of a newspaper hitting your front door anymore as it did when you were a child. Perhaps, now, your favorite news gently comes to you on a morning walk – when you step outside into a dawn’s breeze and a delicate show of falling leaves, gold, red, bronzed with age, beg a still immersion into the theme of autumn. “Shed this. Let go of that. Dare to be bare and aware.” For friends on the other side of the equator, perhaps, instead, you feel the tug of something new budding within. Maybe a butterfly rises from the grasses for both sides, reminding all to notice, feel, and appreciate what was once hidden is revealing itself in the shift. Give space to be with the beauty of many lessons.

How can these two seasons exist at the same time in one world? It is no more different than a bittersweet sensation passing over your heart or tongue. To which will you give your attention? Bitterness? Or sweetness? What does love taste like? Both? A shock of fear as the veils thin to vulnerability is good? Or maybe these are skills of discernment. What does your spirit deeply crave? Does this have your attention? Do you tuck a tiny leaf into a glass of water or your pocket to keep it longer, or would you rather stop to sigh, let go, and harmonize with the flow? Or is your mind so busy that you must keep walking fast and keep your heart rate up and strong? Is distraction your friend or is this pace keeping you from what your heart wishes to know? 

Focus flits here and there for many right now. When a swath of the world is digging out of mud or sandbagging for the next storm, does your heart pull to bring food, comfort, a soft pillow of prayer, a donation for lodging, or a desire to hide? Do you send worry or calm? Are you hoarding, sorting, or recycling the stuff of life? How much goes out? How much do you save for a rainy day? If so, is it helpful? Do you replenish your own stores, too? On this Sunday/Monday, this new week, are you filling your hands with rest or tasks to set what’s coming in order? What does relief feel like? Try it on and share. There is plenty when scooped with compassion. What is true service for the best and highest good of one and all?

Oh, so many questions. Source is chatty today. Who knew this letter would begin like this? Feel free to take a moment and write your answers. This is how the Conversations with Source flow from here and you are invited every day to tap in for more. For deeper dives, join us in the Expanded Quanta Circle this month. 

I have many, many stacked bins of memories here—my own, my children’s, and now, my mother’s. There is much to sort, but with all the weather that has been swirling, I have found I need rest in the simplicity of just being again for now. Last night, my eldest daughter, Ruby, invited me to leave my desk for just an hour to go to a barn dance benefit for babies soon-to-be-born to mamas in a shelter nearby. It was an easy ask and an easier yes, but when it came to dance, I was reticent and shy about breaking from this healing routine of the previous months. 

Sitting on the edge of the dancefloor without even a cup of water, I quietly watched the patterns of the line dances and glittering boots. I felt tired. Yet once the sad country music gave way to more hopeful uptown funk, my daughter became persistent with her pleas. She knows I love Bruno Mars. Somehow she tugged me onto my feet and the dance floor, just for fun! Looking square into her sparkling eyes and laughter, my heart opened up to remember that this, too, is available. Spontaneous fun! With my beautiful kids, with my Ruby gem, with a barn dance of strangers who had come for a great cause, and all conspiring within the great unknown dance—all of it for goodness sake. Yes, please. More, please.

With this nudge, I also opened my heart to great news and another spontaneous invitation. I am newly going back to the UK sometime in late November/early December.  My youngest daughter, Violet, was happily cast in her first play in London, and of course, I must go for opening night, but there’s more. Source has mightily encouraged me to return for an even deeper dive into the gift running through me. There is so much still pouring forth for the book. Particularly as earth changes are upon us, Joyfully Activating Nurturing Energy has never been more needed or timely in this hammock between the election and the New Year’s inauguration.

Returning to some of the mystical places where the miraculous dance of All-That-Is gives the lands that powerfully draw my hands with the messages of Source and pure vida more of my focus and this in turn encourages others who feel the call to join. As new information floods in, the overflow for activation and greater support for the gifts of others is also immense. If you are one feeling stirring joy and love for what is within you, too, this will be an especially significant shoulder-to-shoulder journey. It will be intimate in size. I may bring only one extra person with me. I may bring five. There will be travel to sacred sites. There will be a daily dance. And there will be play. And there will be quiet time to nurture deeper listening. It’s time to truly dance with spiritual athleticism, practicing greater compassion, cultivation, and sharing of the loving light. There will be theater and experiencing merry old England’s holiday of lights and a touch of Scotland, too. And we’ll share in ways we’ve not yet done on our retreats. We’ll be writing daily (Conversations with Source), and having a very small group of fabulously spontaneous, hearty travelers join me in the dance would be welcome as I re-emerge from my healing journey, too.

Please write to me if you’d like more details traveling with joy and collaboration with Source/Spirit/Creator/God/Goddess/All-That-Is with the highest integrity and love.

With this, I send my love and prayers to all who have been or will be impacted by the storms circling the earth in weather or in peace-keeping endeavors. Whether you join me in this month’s Quanta Circle online or in the United Kingdom for a pre-holiday gift of growing light for yourself and a new world, I’ll keep you in my deepest love and intentions for health and peace.

Until the next time…

Blessings, Love, and Blue Skies,


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