Dear Sparkling Friends,
How are you? I am writing from too brief a visit to my beloved City of Angels, so this note comes with extra shiny, gold-tinged greetings flying with many circles of love.
After a beautiful journey south to see dearest old and new friends, my sweet family, and participate in my circle sister, Andrea Bendewald’s phenomenal Circle This* podcast, Source is stoking all the inner fires. Sharing deep conversations about the hundreds of times we have circled in the last thirty-two years around the bonfires, for rites of passage like baby blessingways or shifts in all our seasons, I see/feel/thrill in how blessed our braided lives have long been. Co-creating peace and greater love may seem wildly magical, mystical, or even scary to some, but for me and my gorgeous, brave and brilliant friends it’s in our bones and blood. We sit, sift, cry, laugh, sing, and rise together in a dance of spirit.
Sitting around a fire is not too far a jump to two microphones or more in a womb-like sound studio with candles and questions to go to the heart and true hearth is what we’ve always done. We treasure community. We thrive in safe spaces to be all our myriad parts. Like water, we seek our balance. Stripping bare our souls and flushing our hearts is as important to our health as walking under blue skies or in the rain. It’s soul food and I can’t wait for you to also claim your place at this kind of carefully kindled fire or any candle of connectivity where you, too, can feel your peace and joy.
When the gift of the Dancing Hands came a decade ago, Source was clear that everything I’d been doing—every circle and every lesson in my life adventure—has been and is purposeful. And to revisit with a stunning sister and friend whose own remarkable circling journey was spun from attending both our circles in the Hollywood Hills and at our Trust Ranch was to be reminded how beautiful it is to listen to the re-membering within and to dive skyward into one’s purpose in this lifetime. It’s one thing to sit in one another’s space, but another to remember you, too, are full of remarkable gifts and are also always supported in fully dancing with what rises within you. For years, from my canyon to hers, from my island to her beach, from my heart to her growing circles I’ve been quietly cheering her on. Dre is just one of the many who has spun gold from the inner impulses to do what we/she came here to do on this marvelous planet. It is thrilling to see! Thank you, Source, and more, please.
Before I left Northern California for this trip to Southern California, Source directed my hand to a small, dusty, plastic file box high on the shelf in a rarely opened closet. Inside this box, I gasped to discover a treasure trove of transcriptions of channeled pieces from the work that my wasband and I had done with both our family and our friends since 2003. I heard there was little time to look at the contents at that moment, but I was encouraged to put the box in my car and ferry it south. I found just the spot between Santa’s sleigh of gifts for my grandchildren. Last night, my longtime friend, Timi, and I opened the file box and had our own Christmas morning with the revisiting of just a fraction of all these pages and memories. Extra joy, it was Timi herself who had mostly and always carefully hand-transcribed our channeled sessions, for she has been at every circle in person at our women’s and co-ed circles all these years, as well as most all our nights of channeling. What gifts we continue to receive in the re-reading! And how joyous to revisit it with such a dear, old friend.
Within this box was a time capsule of our history. Not just where we were when these inked transcripts came onto thick, yellow legal pads where Violet drew pictures of the Deva of our Trust Ranch in between sessions, and the kids and our friends asked questions for “the night,” but they also contained the channeled pieces – long and lovely messages from the Seven True and Only Mighty Elohim. If you are not familiar with the 7, they are the creator gods who are mentioned on the very first page of the Old Testament and the ancient Hebrew Torah. It’s a long story about how Karl and I got there and how they began to come ever so dearly to us all these many years, but suffice it to say, this information and our conversations with the Elohim were exciting to revisit. This is the first time I’ve cracked open these handwritten transcripts in nearly 20 years! In it were messages for our family, and about the friends in attendance or who had come to the circles including Circle This’ Dre being at our circle (though I called her Drea then), as well as the gifts that were available to us all should we choose to step more fully into the many choices that were before us.
I share this with all of you to not just remind you that there is no mistake that you are reading this newsletter at this moment and that you, too, are purposefully rendered. I’ve long maintained this life is but a scavenger hunt to your/my/our greatest truth and purpose and this day with the transcripts was a living library of proof! You, too, are invited always to re-member all the pieces of the mosaic of mastery that is the Divine You.
Tangentially, but no less remarkably, as the news is filled with all the UFO and UAP’s around the United States and the United Kingdom right now, last night I was covered with goosebumps and godbumps that finally others are seeing what I long ago began seeing. There is no fear in this field for me surrounding any of the ships I’ve seen on the news or in person, but as I was reading I found a message for YOU, too, about how to meet the news these days. No matter your feelings or curiosity level about all this activity there is also even more encouragement to fill yourself with the light of your most loving purpose. If you feel fear or want to ensure you don’t go down a rabbit hole of fear, these transcripts reminded us to use all our best tools and “surround yourself with the violet ray of transmutation so that any vibrations of less than your highest and best good may be sent to light and love.” For many, this may take practice. That’s good work. That’s worthy practice. You are held in love and light and you, too, can do this kind of protection and/or fortification to support your ease and calm. I am grateful for this reminder, as well. I am still learning right there beside you. How can we co-create a happier, healthier life of love, compassion, integrity, and joy? Even that one line of the violet ray is a fantastic tool!
Would you like to hear more? Would you like to work on your gifts or build greater fortification as one community as we come to the longest night of the year this coming week for our winter solstice? Would you like to kindle greater health, more light, and peace for yourself, your loved ones, and your world? You are invited to our Expanded Quanta Circle this week beginning at 5:30 PM Pacific on Wednesday night through Friday evening. I may try to do a spontaneous Instagram Live on Winter Solstice if you are on Instagram. If I do, please watch the space on Instagram for details for Dec. 21. I will do my best to let our Quanta Circle and others know by this Wednesday if this is on as a gift for you and your dear soul.
I am excited by the changes at hand in this present moment. I know the news of the hour can be intense. I hear you. So, let’s together go to sacred space, safe, loved, held, actively magnetizing all the best and highest good for one and all and dance in more peace.
Thank you for being here, my friends. More love, more light, and more of all the above soon.