Hello Friends,
It has been quite a time, hasn’t it? How are you? How’s your heart? How’s your spirit? Your emotions? And your body? Take a moment and breathe with me as we center ourselves in the sheltering heart of the heart of Love.
Rather than dive into the news of the spin, how about a whirl of sweet, balancing energy first from our Sparkling Circle that began ten days or so on the heels of the February Quanta Circle?
“I could feel this amazing energy swirl as soon as I got into the Waiting Room (of the Zoom.) It was like a homecoming. …It felt like a levitation…I experienced a straightening of my spine, a floating up of energy through each vertebra floating up on its own like a feather catching the energetic momentum… This is what happens when I go to Amma … the experience of my energy-sucking thoughts vanishing and… I could feel the energy going into my body when your hands moved that I could feel affecting me.”
Most are feeling the shifts of the significant transformation happening on our planet right now. In and out of more than a dozen Dancing Hands Circles in the last two weeks, no matter if one bends right, left, or is a head-in-the-lalalala-sand or sunshine person, change is upon us.
Our last Sparkling Circle newsletter shared the visions of the burn scars I’d seen the day before the fire, and you can imagine my heart as I saw the radical transformation of life, land, and shelter that’s ensued for so many in my longtime home of Southern California.
Strange new fires of transformation are now combusting all across the United States of America. The stuff of life reduced to ash, and the impermanence of it all have brought not just heady philosophical ponderings but have plunged many into the deepest mines of what is most valuable. Compassion and ongoing prayers to all.
If you are one who saw change coming, is it playing out the way you wished? Did you observe passively or actively have intentions if you saw this? Or have you been a simple observer of news or life up close?
And whether you saw these wild times or all this chaos was/is a shock, how are you doing with this relentless change? How’s your heart? Are you breathing? Are you taking care of yourself?
Coming together with the Sparkling Circle community for what Source called Tools for These Times made a world of difference even to me. I am flooded with such purest love despite my phone pinging with new Flash Flood Warnings as often as notifications of how we can counteract the Shock and Awe campaign. Potent balance. But not just for me. Here is another soul who took care of herself the last ten days. Her snippet:
“So, after experiencing the Mid-Spin Mudra earlier in the dance, Jane began an extremely Fast-Spin Mudra(s) dance. Her hands moved so fast that I was immediately drawn to the screen. I don’t think my eyes blinked once. I was nudged to sit still and take this all in. I asked for the language of the mudras to download within me in divine time.
There was a rain shower of light falling down upon us. Then, the shower of light was coming in diagonally. Shower of stars.
I saw Cosmic string energy.
I felt a surge of energy move through me. It started at the bottom of my feet and went straight up to my crown chakra. This energy was so strong that I felt myself lift a little off the chair.
I raised my hands up, and I immediately covered the earth with a blanket of light. I visually saw the shift during the November election, shift back/correct to what was always meant to be.
The past five days have been exactly what I needed to get me through the last two weeks of all the static in the world. It will continue to get me through the coming weeks. We’ve learned new ways to navigate, new ways to tap into love and bring that forward. We’re creating our temple, and we all have access to it any day, at any time, and from anywhere.”
~ rl
Sharing what is happening within America and worldwide is not to upset anyone but to get crystal clear about the integrity of this gift of life, the sacred gifts given to each and every one of us, and what we came here to be or share or do. It’s time for transparency, kindness, heart. This isn’t about pretending into a Pollyanna life but deeply living a life of purpose—utilizing the gifts we have or are more intentionally coming into. For some, the pace is breakneck speedy.
Since the first women’s circle we co-facilitated 32 years ago, I’ve ceaselessly encouraged, no matter our history, if we can find our heart’s voice and share that voice in a safe, supportive community of lovingly engaged hearts aligned for the best and highest good of one and all, we are doing some of our holiest work.
Defining “what is best and highest good to one and all” may have different meanings to different people. To a dictator, the best and highest good is that all bow to a single patriarchal will, no matter the consequences for the masses. This would also likely preclude any gatherings of a spiritual nature like ours. Shutting down a right to assemble, to vision, to pray outside a designated church, to have independent thoughts or freedom of speech is already in play. This isn’t hyperbole. Read the handbook they said they weren’t using while campaigning, yet it is now the playbook for dismantling democracy.
In a circle of dancing hands and hearts, we begin every circle with intentions for the best and highest good of one and all, individually and collectively—all faiths and faithless, all races, all ages, all genders, all love. We work, weave, and discuss our shared sessions to support one another in realizing their most significant potential for health, joy, and long-lasting happiness. Is this your daily walk and wish, too? And if you’re in the US, how does it play out? Did it play out in November differently than it may play out now? Or in a month?
Here’s another friend from our Sparkling Circle:
“I’m so grateful to have all of you in my life and so many opportunities to learn and be with you in this energy.
Thank you, Jane. Thank you, everybody in this group. Thank you to All That IS.
Please stay connected. I know these rainbow threads of love-light between us are immensely supportive of our individual and collective well-being.”
“Wow! What a powerful shifting week! We were taken to a vista and were able to see the view. The vision I saw from the vista: Images of love—people from different sides helping each other, working together, the same team.
More than seeing it—I felt it. Their love for each other, my heart cracking open, the reminder that we are family and one.
First Eye Focus: The longest, most beautiful First Eye Focus ever—like it was being lubricated with love.”
Jumping back into the protocol of the Conversations with Source, as we had done during lockdown in 2020/21, was fascinating bliss after all these years. These are deep practices of not just spiritual athleticism but lush discipline. A commitment to Master’s Level in mastery and education, with timeliness (no late entries to center and prepare before we begin), respectful attention, and completing and handing in homework chock full of treasures for the coming days; egos are left at the door with the day’s worries in the medicine basket outside.
It’s a ripe time to learn and see what Source speaks to each heart to cleanse, activate, deepen one’s understanding of loving our entire planet—brothers, sisters, and kin everywhere to keep inspired for more personal daily work. The hard workers of these sessions grow in leaps and bounds and, to this day, are a magnificently supportive, loving group of uniquely gifted souls.
“I felt you all week (even as I was away). We were dancing through what has been an incredible week. The power of the gathering… (I felt it was) an initiation all week. I love the community here and its depth, as well as how we’re observing and witnessing so much—we are experiencing so much here together. I felt bigger all week. Even when I was away from the group for days, it wasn’t just missing; I could feel the depth (of the group.) We have an amazing opportunity to observe and not react. It’s been a remarkable week.”
In the days ahead, friends, know I will forever carry you in my heart pocket. I hope you see the significance of rising for freedom and dancing for yourself, for your loved ones, for the planet, and for all beings.
Come dance while your heart is whirling.