It’s a New Life!

August 19, 2024

Greetings Friends!

I hope this finds you happy and well and that you will forgive my online absence. Though I’m barely tethered there these days, you may have heard through the Instagram or Sparkling Circle FB interwebs that I am experiencing the full circle of life in the most profound way. If you read my most recent email missive you may know that I am preparing for my dear mother’s memorial this coming week, but to balance the full circle, my wonderful son and his precious beloved had a new baby boy! We are overjoyed that baby and mama are doing fabulously as are daddy, brother, and sister, too. What an extra blessing for me to be asked to help, and yes, my dancing Tutu hands have been out of town and back in Southern California for happy days again blissfully rocking, walking, making healthy food, cleaning, bathing, soothing, Starbucks-ing (because ya know, very little sleep in these early days!) and having the most deliciously rewarding grand-mama time with all the family. I am so grateful.

All this to say, we are upright, healing, and embracing every bit of this miraculous life. I have so many cool stories to share after the most fabulous water birth for my new grandson and will on the other side of the memorial but since my time is brief here today, I am popping in ever so quickly to give you a heads up to the events we have planned (see below.) I am aching to dance with YOU! I DO have a few other things that are brewing, but that can keep until I’m not on the run.

Thank you again, sweet friends, who sent me so many beautiful notes of support as I’ve watched the silvery kite strings of Mom’s spirit fly. I’m so sorry I’ve not yet replied to almost all of you, but I hope this helps you understand and find patience. There is nothing like looking into the eyes of those who are with the angels, whether they are coming in or gliding onward and I have tried to be fully present with all of it. With all the extra dancing in and out of the heavens and through the golden planes of light and love I so very much look forward to us all gathering in the gloaming and sharing in circle again soon.

Blessings, Love, and Blue Skies,


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